Over the 4th of July weekend I packed up the girls and drove to Safford to spend some time with my dear friend Rebecca Evans and her Family. We had a great time. Here is as short of a tell all as I can do.
Explanation of the picture above. Rebecca and Scott were married 20 years ago. I was only 18 and her wedding was the first of all my friends that I attended. I drove to Safford for her reception. I remember feeling so grown up driving that far and getting my own hotel. I had purchased a salad bowl set for her wedding gift. Forward 19 years later...I visited Rebecca and stayed with her last summer and she got out this old ratty bowl and said, "do you remember this bowl?", I asked if it was from the salad bowl set I had given her for her wedding and she said it was. She said all the other smaller bowls had long since passed away but this one was left and barely hanging on. She didn't want to throw it away because it had sentimental value. SO....in my head I was thinking..... ooooh what a great 20 anniversary gift for me to get Rebecca. Forward to our annual visit to Rebecca's house this year. I handed Rebecca and Scott the gift all wrapped in pretty wedding paper. Rebecca was perplexed but started to open the card and gift. all the while chatting about the wedding present I had given her 20 years ago. She was so surprised and started laughing when she finally got the paper off the box. It was such a fun present to give.
Andelyn, Amelia, Lilly, Ammah and Polly hanging out in the Evans' pool. They have a beautiful back yard the kids love to hang out in.
Andelyn showing off her flexibility toe touch dive.
Look at Amelia with her awesome form during her 1st lessons turning flips off a diving board.
We went for a flag ceremony on 4th of July and witnessed the retiring of an old flag. I had never seen a flag retired before and I can honestly say that I felt extremely patriotic.
Dallin is Rebecca oldest son. Here he is saluting the old flag.
The burning of the flag. You can't see the flames in the picture but it was burning.
Ammah, Allison (Rebecca's Oldest daughter) and Dallin at the pancake breakfast after the flag ceremony. Dallin took Ammah on a fun date while we were there. Candelight dinner of cereal and milk on the EAC football feild, ice blocking and then to a friends for games.
The kids decorated their bikes and scooters for a little parade around the church grounds. This is Lillian and Andelyn on a two seater. They had a great time.
Rebecca and I later took the bike for a ride about town and felt like teenagers again. We rode all the way to her parents house to say hi. I felt like a little girl back in St. Johns again saying "hi" to Brother and Sister Biggs.
We had the pleasure of having a back yard BBQ with an awesome band called Savannah Jack. The band performed at the annual fireworks show later that night. They were soooo good. What talented performers and I felt honored to have met them and cook and serve food for them.
Ammah, Andelyn and Amelia waiting for the concert to start.
They had a huge flag displayed on the end of two cranes. It was so majestic looking. blowing in the wind.
Before the concert started there was a wonderful dedication ceremony to all of the armed forces and service positions in the community that serve our country everyday.
WOW!!! You make the 4th of July look so spectacular. I want to go sometime:-)
It really was a great weekend. I'm so glad that you guys come every year. We're always just layed back and cool, but we seem to always be having fun. Thank you so much for helping with the Savannah Jack BBQ . I could not have done such a great job with out you. The salad mmmm. was so good and you held up your part of the bargin and kept the conversation going. When you guys drove off that Sunday afternoon, we just all stood there for awhile, because it seemed so quiet and lonely. Plan on next year!!! and I have used my new bowls a lot, I love them, thanks again, and we'll plan on next year.
Looks like you had a fun fourth! It's one of my favorite holdays!
what a fun time... i love the story of the wooden bowl and the picture of you and your friend riding the tandem.
p.s. i can't believe how much andelyn looks like you when you were younger.
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